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Points: 5

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Joined on April 3, 2007 · Born on November 30th

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Joined on April 3, 2007 · Born on November 30th
Assemblage 23 Kraftwerk Combichrist Deadstar Assembly Dope Star Inc. Skinny Puppy Wumpscut VNV Nation Frontline Assembly Apoptygama Berzerk Theatre of Tragedy Funker Vogt Colony5 Infekktion Blutengel Velvet Acid Christ Terminal Choice Alien Sex Fiend Front 242 Ohgr SITD Cut Rate Box Dismantled Hocico Neuroticfish Ravelab Suicide Commando Switchblade Symphony Rotersand AndOne Beborn Beton Covenant, Mesh C-Drone Defect Tactical Sekt Icon of Coil God Module Panzer AG Goteki Grendel Retrosic Massiv In Mensch Flesh Field Thrill Kill Kult Crystal Method Pigface Sadiztik Injektion Fat Boy Slim New Order Nine Inch Nails Orbital Frontline Assembly Prodigy BLOOD Dir En Grey P.O.D. AC/DC Black Sabbath MOTÖRHEAD Led-Zeppelin Pink Floyd Whitesnake Mötley Crüe Bon Jovi Van Helen Iron Maiden Metallica Dio Pantera Rush Rage Against The Machine Lynyrd Skynyrd Green Jelly Danzig Meat Loaf Judas Priest Deep Purple Cradle Of Filth Helmet L.A. Guns Biohazard Napalm Death MEGADETH Obituary Overkill Morbid Angel Machine Head Anthrax Ozzy Osbourne Pat Benatar Def Leppard Jimi Hendrix Kid Rock Nightwish Limp Bizkit Linkin Park Offspring Deftones Aerosmith Drowning Pool Slipknot Social Distortion Soulfly Southern California Choppers System of a Down Bob Marley Black Uhuru The Who Red Hot Chili Peppers Queen The Doors Insane Clown Posse N.W.A. Eazy-E RUN-DMC

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