38 Year Old
Joined on July 29, 2012
Born on January 1st
I do not fall under any cast or group that society has set as a standard for being a human being; i am me and very complicated... to most i seem so out of the ordinary that they automatically dub me as crazy! i however do not feel that the "Norm" and the term weird actually exists in the social/economical chains of society... in the end are we not all different in many ways? is there such thing as a normal person? or is the idea of the "norm" just a fabrication that society has forced into our heads to make us discriminate against one and other? i cant claim to know the answers however this is how i feel. the questions are open ended so you can figure out an answer 4 yourselves... sincerely THE M.O.
38 Year Old
Joined on July 29, 2012
Born on January 1st
i enjoy.... Fishing Hunting Drawing Writing Movies Music taking the time out of my day to help a stranger pushing the boundries within my legal rights to be "weird" questioning what is actually real and what is the image Media/society portrays as real i like alot of other things but you need to ask to find out
any movie with a good story line or makes you think is my kind of movie; the deeper the message the more interesting it is to me... if the movie is a mind fuck like vanilla skies or the cell it will b one of my all time fav's...
i do not believe in idolizing some one because they are famous; i plan on becoming famous and have many ambitions however if i do become famous i do not want a lot of people to know who i really am. in the case of me becoming famous i will live a humble life and will have to wear a mask to protect myself... by wearing a mask it will make more people interested in who i am and i can live a normal life. have you ever wondered why so many "stars" end up fucking up or OD'n if you think about it there is only one answer fame destroyed them. all artist in the world have had a troubled past of some sort, weather it b people judging them or no one taking the time to understand them... in the end the only idol i feel anyone should have is themselves. THE M.O.
As a constant member, I just wanted to welcome you. !! Wishing a splendid day to ya!!! NOW THE FUN CAN BEGIN CAUSE YOU ARE HERE! ENJOY *WARNING*: BE CAREFUL FEEDING THE ANIMALS HERE, SOME DO BITE BACK OR OOPS IT MITE B UR KINDA THANG LOL! Read profile pg *fubar.com/pastorredbyrd* 2 know me! From Your Friendly Neighborhood Fu Greeter, RedByrd.