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42 Year Old · Female · From Westminster, CA · Joined on July 25, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 1st · I have a crush on someone!
42 Year Old · Female · From Westminster, CA · Joined on July 25, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 1st · I have a crush on someone!

Watch and see lust is a must and i am the Goddess of Lust. Bust what u must , trust in your Lust and enjoy the festivities! The time has come to take the Lust to another level! So if you trust in your Lust and feel that Lust is a must and can help take the Lust to a higher level, Bust what u must! Cause this is LUST VISION![/I]Well its been a while but good things come to those who wait. I am known in this realm as Courtney Lust, and as I'm sure that almost all give into their LUST at one point or another so just know that this was, is and always has been inevitable. Evolving and metamorphising as an individual I've come to learn alot more about what lies beneath this exterior of glitz, glam and seduction. And that is an curious core filled with sadistic tendencies, a craving for the endless "possibilities" almost any scenario may entail, and an insatiable LUST in its many many forms. I am an openly bi-sexual transsexual pre-op that will stay that because I simply enjoy being "that girl" and couldn't imagine a life without my beloved accomplice (and I am all about using it) .I get off on the thrill of being a "girl' that fucks others. When I've got their legs pinned by their ears , I'm balls deep and I look down and see freshly manicured french tip nails , voluptuous breasts and my hair is falling in your face it just seems to say "FUCK YEA" to my mind and produce this erotic sensation that gets me off just about as much mentally as well as physically.I am very versatile and and enjoy both role s( and frankly sometimes its my turn iF you know what I mean) .I consider myself multi-faceted and somewhat complex. I am definitely not for everyone and consider myself an acquired taste. Ill never be just another face in the crowd my presence is always felt and and heads will always turn. I am an amazon at a lovely 6'1 and i have curves that have been know to cause crashes. I enjoy the WILDLIFE but at the heart of me Im a good girl that enjoys a beautiful evening and THE SMALL THINGS MEAN MATTER. Like I said ther'es alot more here than meets the eye (read into that any way you like ) I am myself 24/7 but this part of me is jUST A mere ripple in the vast ocean of desire know as Courtney Lust. A heart of gold , a genuine sincerity, a very open versatile understanding and sense of funand adventure are but a few. I/m looking for those "possibilities" on hereso dont be afraid to drop me a line. Just bec areful what u wish for!XXXXXXXXXXX

42 Year Old · Female · From Westminster, CA · Joined on July 25, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 1st · I have a crush on someone!

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