63 Year Old
From Pleasant Valley, NY·
Joined on July 24, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 21st
I have a crush on someone!
63 Year Old
From Pleasant Valley, NY·
Joined on July 24, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 21st
I have a crush on someone!
Looking for someone to share my life with. Anyone out there?
63 Year Old
From Pleasant Valley, NY·
Joined on July 24, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 21st
I have a crush on someone!
Owen a gift shop I guess you can say as it has brand new designer jeans for men and women. Carry non expensive jewelry and also very expensive jewelry at great prices that can not be beat. Also carry designer shirts for men and women designer dress jackets. A ton on sports memorabilia and other great items such as all types of designer bedding. Will beat anyone's price ship anywhere in the world. Just ask. Bobby
Latest Status
bobbyg Can you help me? When I am alert through email that I have a message on Fubar and I click on it I am not able to go on as it seems blocked. I must sign on only through Bing. Does anyone know how to fix this?
AZTammie LOVE M... I'll try, first, dump your cache and cookies, that usually helps, instructions are in the fu-bible and Scrappers blogs but ask me and I can walk you through it.Then you might try getting a new browser. Try K-meleon or even Google Chrome, the coding here likes both of them. You can also copy and paste the URL for here into your address bar and once to your log in page, bookmark it, then if you get a notification, don't click on it, just go to your bookmarks! I have fubar as my home page, that way I just click 'home' and I'm here. But I have my alerts shut off, no need for them really, just log on once a day and clear your messages. I stay logged in here, even when I'm not home or asleep. That way I scroll more often and keep my profile alive and in the view of members. I hope this helps, I'm no expert but have had to fix enough problems of my own here in the last six years (this is my third profile!) that all I'm doing is sharing what I have learned from Scrapper and some of the bouncers! Message me if you need more help, I'm happy to help you out, have a great day, hugs!