36 Year Old
Invited by: BabyThurls·
Joined on March 31, 2007
Born on August 21st
I'm a very friendly person! I love to sing and dance! I'm not some innocent girl who does nothing wrong! I used to be...but things have happened in my life to me, that's changed it all. I don't drink, even though i enjoy, i may do it on special occasions, but not all the time. I do smoke! Cigarettes, well, I should quit but it's hard, and MaryJane... well, she's my best friend I've ever had!
36 Year Old
Invited by: BabyThurls·
Joined on March 31, 2007
Born on August 21st
I enjoy listening to country (cause I can sing to alot of country songs), Rock (just cause I like rock!), and hip-hop (because I can shake my hips when the beat starts playing & I love dancing!)What can I say? I can't live with out music!!!
Come out to the Danger Zone 24/7 DJ's nothin but kick ass music and good times, all the time hommie. So come head out and join the fun.JUST CLICK THE PIC! ITS THAT EASY!FEATURING DANGER ZONE RADIO AND ITS KICK ASS STAFF AND FANS!
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com