hey chica, yeah i went to her house and chilled for like an hour or what not her new appartment is soo cute. she seems to be doing awesome... whens that baby coming out!!!!!!! dont forget to call me when he does i wanna come see him... every time i call you it says its not connected... love ya -Crystal
------------------Girls-------------------------are like apples-------------on trees. The best ones----------are at the top of the tree.--------The boys don't want to reach-----for the good ones because they---are afraid of falling and getting hurt.--Instead, they get the rotten apples-from the ground that aren't as good,but easy. So the apples up top thinksomething's wrong with them when in-reality they're amazing. They just-----have to wait for the right boy to---- come along, the one who's-------- brave enough to---------------climb all------------------the way-------------------to the top--------------------of the tree.---------You have been hit. You have been considered one of the15 MOSTBEAUTIFUL WOMEN on my friends list. Once you have been hit, you have tohit 15 BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. If you break the chain you'll have Ugliness for10 years.So hit 15 BEAUTIFUL WOMEN on your friends list and let them know theyare BEAUTIFUL!YOU SHOULD KNOW YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note; Todayis the only cash you have, so spend it wisely.
welcome to cherrytap...stop by the newest lounge on ct...just click the picture and ur there....good music all the time....best rock of the 70s..80s and nowbring ur friends...