37 Year Old
Invited by: cherrychicky189·
Joined on March 30, 2007
Born on January 9th
Hmmm... where shall I start? Well I'm a DJ. I play trance, acid-techno and D&B. I love all forms of music and playing to a big crowd. I love of course dancing all nigth long till the break of dawn.Shopping is a big hobby, making money and spending it are two of my best qualities. :D
37 Year Old
Invited by: cherrychicky189·
Joined on March 30, 2007
Born on January 9th
I have thousands of interests but few being DJing, Dancing, Partying, Modeling, Writing, Shopping, Hairstyling, and thousands more!
aww no you didnt do it lol. its that thing on my profile that flashes pictures at you the pics are on like a map thing..lol. im hurt im not part of your family.lol.. im more special then everybody els lol lov ya babe
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com