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56 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 29, 2007 · Born on August 10th
56 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 29, 2007 · Born on August 10th

well i have been married for 2 yrs and been with my husband for 10yrs and have 5 kids and we are very happy and i am not looking for nothing but friends so i just want to let people know that we like doing things with are kids we have 17-15-13-12-9 wow right lol well we like going out on weekends JUST ME AND MY HUSBAND well we need it lol but we do things with the kids don't get me wrong we love are kids lol. WELL MISTER JOE REDD U NEED 2 LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE. ITS 2 BAD THAT SHE IS GETTING BACK WITH HER HUSBAND AINT IT?...MAYBE U SHOULD TELL UR WIFE EVRYTHING THAT U GUYS TALKED ABOUT... AND I MEAN EVERYTHING!....U SAY U DONT WANT DRAMA? WELL LOOK AT WHO IS STARTING SHIT!.U SEEM 2 4 GET U DONT WANT 2 START SHIT WITH ME CAUSE MY HUSBAND ..... HER DAD IS A TRUCK DRIVER AND HE CAN FIND U IF U KEEP UR CHILDISH SHIT UP..... SO BE ADVISED 2 BACK THE FUCK OFF BITCH!!! AND U AND UR WIFE STAY THE FUCK OFF MY PAGE!.NOBODY HAS BEEN ON UR PAGE SO LEAVE US ALONE AND STAY THE FUCK OF MINE!!!!!AND QUIT THE DRAMA!!!!WELL I LIKE MY NASCAR EVERY SUNDAY GO DALE JR THE #8 ALL THE WAY BIT I WISH HIS DAD WAS THERE THAT WAS MY #3 ALL THE FUCKING WAY ??BUT MY HUSBAND LIKE MARK MARTIN FORD NOT ME LOL CHEVY ALL THE WAY LOLYou are The FoolThe Fool is the card of infinite possibilities. The bag on the staff indicates that he has all he need to do or be anything he wants, he has only to stop and unpack. He is on his way to a brand new beginning. But the card carries a little bark of warning as well. Stop daydreaming and fantasising and watch your step, lest you fall and end up looking the fool. What Tarot Card are You?Take the Test to Find Out.Graphics & LayoutsGraphics & LayoutsGraphics & LayoutsName:carolineAge:???B-day:????Height:???Where do u live?castileFavoites....color?blacksong?alotsinger?alotfood?????thing to do?myspace and ctplace to go?farway (so my kids don't know where??)candy?noneanimal?dogstore?wal-martchannel?13sport?nascar,footballmovie?true storycar?well i have a (van)restaurant????quote?fuck it who gives a fuckThis Or That....kiss or hug:???music or TV:????smoke or drink:????movies or mall:the mall yuplove or money:well money ha hapepsi or sprite:mt dewburgerking or mc donalds:???mom or dad:my dadsummer or winter:winterhot chocolate or coffee:mt dewLove & Relationships....are you in a relationship?, if yes wut is their name?yeah my husband harveydo you believe in love?hell YEAHhave you ever been in love?YUP HARVEYare you in love with some1 right now?THINK HARDdo you think the person you love right now loves u too?YEAH have you ever broken some1s heart?NOPEhave you ever cheated on some1?HELL NOhave you ever been cheated on?YUPever dumped some1?NOPEever been dumped by some1?YUPOpposite Sex....personality or looks:???height:?????eye color:GREENbody type:I LIKE HIM JUST THE WAY HE IS relationship or hook up:NOPEshort or long hair:LIKE IT THE WAY IT IS hair color:BROWNfunnny or serious:SERIOUSdumb or smart:???first thing you notice in a guy/gurl:?????Do you.....wanna get married?I AM wanna have kids?GOT TOO MANY BUT LOVE THEM ALL plan on goin to college?HELL NOlike school?SOMETIMESlike myspace?HELL YEAHhate any1?NOPEregret anything in your past?YEAH BUT I AM NOT GOING TO SAY???have any fears?ALL THE TIME have any strengths?MY HUSBAND AND KIDSlike rap music?YEAHlike rock music?YEAHlike country music?YEAHget along with your parents?MY DAD THE BEST MAN EVERthink your attractive????believe in yourself?NO BUT MY HUSBAND AND KIDS DO ???have a job?I AM A STAY HOME MOM Other Questions.....have you cried recently?YES TO MY DAUGHTER CANDACEhow many siblings you got?TOO MANYhave you kissed some1 you dont like?HELL NOhow many kids do you want, and wut would you name them?I GOT ALOT AND LOVE THEM ALL have you lied to some1, and until this day they still dont know the truth?HELL NO TELL THE TRUTHwut do you think your best physical feature is?NONEhave you ever gotten arrested?HELL NOwut country would you like to visit?ALLhave you ever skinny dipped?HELL YEAH WHO DIDNT # of drugs you have done????have you ever been drunk?NOT ME ????DON'T BELEAVE IN IT wuts your favorite alcohol drink?NONEif you had a chance to go back in time, would you??HELL YEAHdid you think this quiz was boring?SOME OF IT WAS BUT IT IS ALL GOOD~About Me!~ SURVEY @ MyHotQuiz

56 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 29, 2007 · Born on August 10th
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