31 Year Old
From Louisville, TN·
Joined on July 8, 2012
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on January 12th
*Things I love.* Fast Cars. Holding Hands. Hugs that Last Long. Snowfall. Drawling. Writing. Creating. Heartfelt Conversations. Road Trips. Articulacy. Graffiti. People that can beat box. Concerts && Shows. Psychology. Late crazy nights. Impersonating people. Running like an ostrich. Making weird faces or noises. Being carefree. That alluring " Hey-I'm-Wearing-Weird-Glasses- And-Smoking-A-Cigar" look. Meeting people i instantly "click" with. Cool colors, especially Auqa (Though i do like purple). The smell of Rain. Any Math. And Coffee beans at wally world. *Things I Hate.* Being rushed. Chain/Spam Letter. Public Restrooms. Rejection. Snoops. Static Cling. Sticky hands. Stomach Aches. The unknown. Walking Slow. Unconstructive Criticism. War. Sports. Alarm clocks. Weddings that I'm not invited to that i didn't want to go to anyways. Nerd Rage. Ht Weather. Continuously seeing the faces of Miley Cyrus And Justin Bieber all over the place. Confusion And Frustration. Cliches. Needless Drama. Feeling Trapped. Feeling unloved. Greed/Selfishness/Lack of gratitude. Shallowness. Dense minds. Being Unjustly Blamed. Politics. Hypocrites. liars. Interruptions/ Bossy/Arrogant Attitudes. Limintations Making decisions. appointments. Getting up in the morning. nightmares. people that try to be something they're not.
31 Year Old
From Louisville, TN·
Joined on July 8, 2012
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on January 12th