I'm here to meet & make new friends. Art, Music, Poetry, Writing, Reading, surfing the web, Animals, wood working, Painting, Horseback Riding & Playing Guitar & Harmonica or keyboard.
I love all that is good & wholesome. My favorite things are; Family & friends mean the most to me. Art (viewing, painting, sketching & taking Photo's., Music (Listening, writing songs, playing Guitar & Keyboard, singing & dancing) Poetry(reading & writing)
Watching good Movies about Animals, horror, si fi, Mystery, Drama, Comedies, True stories & some musicals. Doing crafts such as crocheting, knitting, needle point, Material painting & wood working. I enjoy collecting coins, stamps old post cards, Horses, Unicorns, Angels, Coffee cups, Video tapes, CD's, DVD's & Stuffed Animals. My MAC computer, surfing the web, researching anything I am curious about, doing survey's for cash, Socializing, Blogging & making new friends.

Music Playlist at
Country, Rock & Roll, Oldies, Jazz, Rap, Soul, Hard Rock. Just about everything!
About Animals, True Stories, Spiritual, Supernatural, Most Comedies, Si Fi, Horror, Mystery & Drama's.
Video Games
Video Poker & Slots. And now FuMafia.