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39 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 27, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 14th · 2 referrals joined!
39 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 27, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 14th · 2 referrals joined!

Well i'm from Cuba, i discovered fuBar around five years ago but i had to do something personal and i couldn't visit it anymore, so now i'm back, all systems green and lookin' fordward to meet as much as interesting people as i can. Must say english isn't my first language so excuse me if i make some grammar mistakes, i really don't mean to. We have a very hot weather here in Cuba so the only and best place to refresh a lil bit is this online bar, and if i meet cool persons while doing it...wacala! So send me a chat or friend request once in a while and you won't be disappointed. Peace.

39 Year Old · Male · Joined on June 27, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 14th · 2 referrals joined!
First ov all: I love videogames, anime-manga, everything Japan-Asia related, rock, literature (specially poetry and Sci-fi) and i'm not looking 4 sex. If i know someone interesting enough and we get close...ok, but isn't my main goal. I love to chat and i don't care if u contact me via e-mail, in fact my e-mail address is tensaiuchiha85@gmail.com, drop by anytime. I really hate racism, discrimination of any kind specially against gay people, i'm not gay but i support they totally. Mainly gay women, they're oftenly very understimated. Ups, almost forget it: i have a very limited internet connection due to a lot of reasons (&/&/·%/·%//) so if i get lost for a couple of days, don't worry and continue writing and liking me, i'll thanx u eventually. Great FuBar experience everyone!!!
Rock, any kind but with smart, consistent lyrics. Craddle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir are my favourites. Don't like rap, hip hop -only In the club, by 50 cents- or reggae. Hate salsa, no matter i am a cuban i can't stand it nor any latin related music. Love Techno, house, rave, Skrillex and David Guetta.
The Matrix part 1 (the other two completely unnecessary) Battleship, avatar, every movie with a good script, La vita e bella, and every movie starred by Jack Nicholson!!!
Mom n' Dad, really, they have been married for almost 30 years and they don't even have the smallest disagreement. I dump (or get dumped by) a girl almost every year. Not my fault...well, not always.
Video Games
Mass Effect saga should be in the Hall of Fame 4ever, along with DragonAge and the Crysis saga. I play Tekken 5 or 6 once in a while, love to see other people playing Resident evil or God of War but i don't enjoy playing those myself, i'm a huge fan of the Final Fantasy saga. I prefer Halo over Call of Duty and i think Playstation 3 is the best game console ever made by mankind. Someday there will be a better one and its name will be Playstation 4. I don't have the Graphics card i'd like, but i'm currently saving some money to take that step: here I go, Nvidia GTX 600! Respect everyone who spends a few hours a day doing what they love the most: playing a good videogame. But havin a real life should't be underrated! Thanx 4 dropping by. God.

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  • God Right now I'm just feelin' mindblowed....wanna know what I'm thinking? Nuclear fire, that's pretty much all.
    12 years ago · Comment

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