I like being a Dad, rock climbing, basketball, reading, cuddling with the right woman, long drives, wet kisses, gaming, dreaming, watching the stars, drinking summer shandy, texting, facebook, being in love, trimming trees, meeting new people, tyring new things, seeing new places, deep conversations, good jokes, action movies that take me to interesting places, different cultures, and many other things that dont come to mind at this moment.
Mostly alternative or classic rock but I do enjoy an occasional rap or country tune. When Im in a thinking mood I usually listen to some classical.
I like a variety of movies. I get bored with the same type over and over again. Mix em up!
---- My father but not in every part of his life. He was a great man and his friends loved him. He got alot of respect from his peers.
----John Cena. Now I dont watch wrestling or follow it in any way but any star that kind find the time to grant 300+ "Make a Wish" thingies to kids with life threatening illneses is good in my book. I know he has the money and means to do that easily but that has got to take a huge chunk of time, which is probally the only thing that we normal folks have more of then those super stars. My hat goes off to him.
Video Games
I used to play WoW but now I am play SW:TOR. I dont play a whole lot lately though cause I am getting Fubar'd!