38 Year Old
From Crystal City, TX·
Joined on June 24, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 29th
Im a 25 puertorican and spaniard female. Im spontanous and fun outgoing and kinda lives on a wild side. My life has had its obsticles but that just justifys who i am today?!! I have made some what mistakes but i dont regret my life so far! Im what u can say im good of both worlds althought being half purtorican and spainard i would say im more purtorican than anything.. love it!!
38 Year Old
From Crystal City, TX·
Joined on June 24, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on November 29th
Danceing is my ambition when i dance its like everything around has been clicked off and im in my own world. But to bad for me my parents didnt seem to think so so i moved myself to a different path inwhich i just graduated with my associates in criminal justice! I love rideding bikes harleys!!! Im an adreline junky!! just the thirll of hearing them and being on them its as if im flying. When im stressed i like to go fro rides and just let my hair down! I dont own one but my ex had one and it was wonderful im learning to drive one as to my next goal would be buying one!!
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mariemuenca I just posted more pics.. hope u guys like them!! muah besos xoxo