Thanksgiving Dinner Poem, Song and PrayerOur table is set now; great food you can bet now.It's Thanksgiving Day, and we're ready to eat;All those near and dear us are here today to cheer us.This dinner is a winner, a wonderful treat.It's time to be thankful for all that God gives us;Dear Lord, we are grateful; Dear God, hear our prayer.It's You we are praising; our voices we are raising;Bless us and bless this food; keep us safe in your care.By Joanna FuchsMost of AllThanksgiving Day brings to mindthe blessings in our livesthat usually go unnoticed:a home that surrounds uswith comfort and protection;delicious food, for pleasurein both eating and sharing;clothes to snuggle up in,books and good entertainmentto expand our minds;and freedom to worship our God.Most of all we are thankfulfor our family and friends,those treasured peoplewho make our lives extra special.You are part of that cherished group.On Thanksgiving, (and every day)we appreciate you.Happy Thanksgiving!Have A Great DayHugssssssDon