Thanks for coming by! I've rated and fanned you! I appreciate the add request but it's going to remain pending until you do the same 8-p (yeah I know, bribery)
Hi sweetheart!!!You sent me a friend request and that makes me smile :)I am really lucky you want to be my friend :)I rated you and I fanned you I gave you a 10 or an 11 :)I fan all of my friends because you are special to me I look forward to getting to know you ...Just shout when you want to talk!!!!*hugs and kisses*Love, Marissa
Thank you so much for adding me as a friend! I left some love on your page! I hope you have a great day and I look forward to talking to you soon. (B) CHEERS
Hello. Thanks for the friend request. I rated you and am adding you, but all I ask is that you please don't rip my photos without my permission. I have thousands of fubar friends and am always happy to have one more. Just please dont take it personally if I take a long time to respond if you attempt to contact me. I have a hard time keeping up with everyone! Thanks and have a wonderful dsy!Sinnocence