Today:I love you Beloved: I adore you After him in intensive care The reason? (I love you) We agreed to be two I blink and you eyes If we divide the destiny We do not distinguish humans O spiritual pigeon and his experts And grace on his side, I congratulate him and his family I say everything Eid and you are happy +213657166811Facebook adel dadyTwitter zazaKoKo15 skype zaza kokoInstagram bilal_ zazakoko15V K Adel Zaza I'm Adel dodo camster adelzazayoutube adel zazaChic Me adel zazaFAVIM.FR zazakoko15Pinterest adel zaza THW adelzaza fotolog zazakoko15email
ASYLUM!!Oft' upon the twilight's yawnOf misty midnight's passingAbove the clouds of ghostly shroudsWhose shadows want for castingI lay awake at memory's gateYet hesitate surrenderAs whispered wisps of promised blissEntice my heart to enterAnd alas, again, I'm drawn withinBut half against my wantingsSeduced in debt's unrecovered betsWell worth their weight in hauntingsWhere the candle's light yet burns as brightAs the fire it once ignitedAnd unenhanced the shadows danceUnwelcomed, uninvitedBy Ozzy
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