Joined on June 18, 2012
Born on November 30th
I am a medically retired army vet. I got injured in 2005 and finished out my tour in Iraq anyway. After staying there a year, I came home to Fort Campbell and the army worked on me for over a year before deciding to let me out on medical retirement. My drive to stay in the fight cost me my body. If I would have came home there was a better chance of fixing the things wrong with me, but fighting for another 10 months after the injuries caused my body to heal wrong and now I will suffer from it. I signed up knowing what could happen so I have no complaints. They take care of me. Now I live in knoxville TN and I am going back to school so I can start working again. I will do personal salutes to friends if asked, but only if they do one back in return. If done though it will be kept in a private folder.
Joined on June 18, 2012
Born on November 30th
guns, fishing, hunting, knives, hanging out with my army buddies, hanging out with guys from school, going out to concerts, spending time with my two kids from last marriage.
Latest Status
HappyNow0302 anyone wanna join me in bed and help me get rid of this headache?