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54 Year Old · Male · From Chattanooga, TN · Joined on June 17, 2012 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on August 29th · I have a crush on someone!
54 Year Old · Male · From Chattanooga, TN · Joined on June 17, 2012 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on August 29th · I have a crush on someone!

A lil' about me hmmmm......Geez, what to put here, Well, I'm in to music. I write and preform my own songs including all background tracks. I play rythym guitar and Keyboard, sing and also create drum tracks. I do this all on my home studio using various programs on my 2 PC's. I have completed 3 personal cd's of my original music, CMJ 2000, Dispossesed, and The New Horizon. I have been in several bands including: Total Chaos, Mystic Fury, Skin Crawl, and a breif appearence in Sammy's Good Eye. I like to sing online at singsnap. I'm a online DJ, I dj'd in the SRS2000 network on shoutcast, Dragons of Defiance radio, and MANY clubs in Second Life! (DJ Cyperian Foxclaw).

54 Year Old · Male · From Chattanooga, TN · Joined on June 17, 2012 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on August 29th · I have a crush on someone!
I'm always looking to expand my circle /network of friends so drop a line and say hi. I'll add anybody as long as they are not rude or just plain jerks. I'm interested in starting a band, looking for a girl drummer. Would love to hook up with some peeps and jam, then reach for the stars! Friends with benefits are always a plus! See... you all have dirty minds, Your thinking kinky I'm thinking music! But hey I can hold my own with the perverted lol! I use Dolby axon for voice chat, and if you want my yahoo messenger addy just ask! Ask me anything, I answer all! Take Care Peeps!

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