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45 Year Old · Male · From Phoenix, AZ · Joined on March 25, 2007 · Born on January 30th
45 Year Old · Male · From Phoenix, AZ · Joined on March 25, 2007 · Born on January 30th

Hello mother fucker, my name is Richard. It can also be Rich or Richie or Dick or whatever. I'm pretty open as far as that goes. I think I said the things I enjoy pretty succinctly in the other sections. What else do you want? I'm from New Jersey originally. I have all of my teeth and they're are the correct color. That puts me one up on a lot of people I've seen in this town. So there you have it. Mostly the shit in the other sections should tell you something about me. Whether or not you find that interesting or informative is up to you.

45 Year Old · Male · From Phoenix, AZ · Joined on March 25, 2007 · Born on January 30th
I just moved back to Phoenix. How does that make you feel? Well it makes me feel like pretty good because Jersey is fucking baby shit. Yes you heard it here: babyshit. That is correct. It is a compound word now. Feel gifted to learn the new English right here and right now. That being said Here are some fun facts about me being that this is the section for my interests and not yours since I'm not fucking psychic. I was in a hardcore band and am trying to start a new band with my old guitar player and hopefully a drummer since they are an endangered species. I go running 4 times a week and I feel its important to mosh pit at least once a week. Thats it other than a few other fairly interesting things that you will not likely read. So here they are: I'm a nerd. I play a lot of videogames.
Speaking of videogames. If anyone out there wants to buy me an xbox 360 I will be grateful in the right sort of way. Let me amend that: anyone, female. All joking aside though I really like videogames a lot.
I read a lot. Mostly scifi/fantasy dime novels. I'm a big fan of William Gibson and Bruce Sterling. THe only television show I like currently is Battle Star Galactica. I don't smoke anymore. I quit drinking so when I do it only takes me two beers to be done for the night. I am a fucking light weight.
Hardcore, punk, EBM, Death Metal, Oi, Black Metal, Metal in general, goth, psychobilly, some industrial(I don't know much about it, but I like a bit). I wear a lot of black does that help? And its not the fashionable black. Its the nihilistic black because I am so fucking cool. Oh yeah. Chicka Chicka. I have to stop right here or this won't end.

I like a lot of horror movies and scifi movies. I said I was a nerd and I meant it. Regardless of how angry and energetic I may be I am a complete geek. I love zombie movies. I like a good deal of old school gore. I've been rather lax in my movie hobby as of late because of money and I recently moved back to Arizona.
I have an altar to Cthulhu on the back of my toilet.
Video Games
All of them. No seriously. All of them.

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