31 Year Old
From Vale, NC·
Joined on June 14, 2012
Born on January 19th
my names darrell im a great guy and very nice, i always put others before myself and i love kids and doing things outside i graduated from north gaston high, i love sports,music, and anything that is poitive..i listen to country and rock, im a pretty laid back guy, i dont beieve in lieing, cheating, or stealing, and i dont like drama....im an honest person and will always give my honest opinion, like ive said im nice and sweet but i will always defend the ones i love no matter what,i am vary mature and do not like any small bullcrap,i am also somewhat independant and i have always looked out after myself and others since i was around 13, i love my life and everything about it no matter what hapens nothing could posibly put me down because there is always a positive side to everything you just have to look for it but although sometimes you just cant find it, and you realize thats life but yeah im a real person, theres nothing fake about me, and i always try my best to put a smile on the people around me so if you wanna know more or talk then just send me a message, i promise i will reply
31 Year Old
From Vale, NC·
Joined on June 14, 2012
Born on January 19th
Latest Status
Darrell Walker i need some rates and some fans so hit it up and hit me up hell hit yo neighbor up just rate and fan me :D