42 Year Old
From Grand Ledge, MI·
Joined on March 24, 2007
Born on November 5th
I'm 24. I'm originally from Charlotte, but now live in Grand Ledge. If I've learned anything in my time here on earth, it's that every choice you make isn't just by chance. Your path is pre-determined. It's only a matter of time untill you figure out why you made that choice. Most choices will always have a consequence, but it's the way you handle yourself in those times of adversity that your true character will shine through. Most importantly when you fall.... you will always find someone is there to lift you back up. You may never have known this person, they could be your best friend or your greatest enemy. However, they were placed there for a reason and from that moment forward they will always be in you heart you will ALWAYS REMEMBER how they helped you, so that next time you fall. You know how to get back up. Your FRIENDS AND FAMILY are the foundation. In my life, without those two, this rock would crumble. I love ya all, and you know who ya are. I'm a huge fan of all detroit sports, especially my beloved Tigers. '07 world series champs!! you heard me say it! For all those who don't know me you need to so, hit me up, or yahoo IM me "kronberg12" HOLLA AT YA BOY!!
42 Year Old
From Grand Ledge, MI·
Joined on March 24, 2007
Born on November 5th
Sports,sports, sports... all kinds, but none of them compare to my beloved Detroit Tigers. Of course photography, mostly black and white. I do Wedding photos...so if anyone is interested...let me know!! I'm a huge believer in Meditation...you have to have a way to release sometimes, and that's mine, Hanging out with my boyz, and when the mood strikes.. the occasional romp at the baa. That's bar for you southerns. Most important for me are not the amount of breaths I take...but the moments that truly take my breath away and leave me in awww of even the most simple things in life, cuz when you really take time out to see how amazing this world is you'll be suprised at how much more you can enjoy it!
When comes to music... I listen to it all, I think it's the only way you can truly appreciate any music. No matter what the genre is..it's influenced by some other type. For the most part though, I listen to hip hop, classic rock, r&b, and acoustic.
MIMS This Is Why Im Hot
Favorites-newer, Batman Begins, Sin City, Talladega Nights, Man on Fire, Garden State, 40 year old Virgin. For Love of the Game, Office Space. I could go on for days. Older-Days of Thunder, Caddy Shack, The Sandlot, Roadhouse, all hell there's too many.
I would have to start with my grandparents, those two have been together for over 40 years and still find a way to love each other more everyday. Next.. I would say more heroes then Idols..but all the men and women in our armed forces who have sacrificed so much to be part of a war that makes no sense, more importantly the ones who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.... My thoughts and blessings go out to those families!! Last but certainly not least... the whole 1984 Detroit Tigers Baseball team.. for putting the love of the game in me!!!
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