35 Year Old
Joined on March 21, 2007
Born on October 1st
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
they call me, Kerry Ann Myers.. eightteen years of living.. graduated from high school.. i work at hampton inn.. i always need something on my wrist.. i'm a straight forward person.. what you see is what you get.. I love dancing.. I love taking pictures.. my friends love me because i am me. my enemies hate me because they aint me. i love meeting new people. Eeyore and the cookie monster are by far my most favorite..
35 Year Old
Joined on March 21, 2007
Born on October 1st
·1 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
hostel. texas chainsaw massacare. the devils rejects. walk to remember. Scary movie 1;2;3;4 hot chick. click. over the hedge. the wild. madagascar. finding nemo.
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Shawty she smashed the rear view mirror with her fist because starting today shes never looking back
YOU HAVE BEEN FUCKED!Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends and FUCKTHEM! This is for any one you think is hot!RULES:1- You can fuck the person who fucked you, of course.2- You can fuck the same person as many times as you can (c'mon,ENDURANCE)! Be creative!*3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy!4- You should fuck in public! Be adventurous, damn it. Paste it ontheir user page so they feel slutty!5- Random sex is perfectly okay!6- Please, don't worry about same gender fucking, it's HOT.7- You should most definitely get started fuckin' right away!This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOWBAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (androughed up!). Please don't take this too personally, BUT I JUSTFUCKED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>F.U.C.KStands For:Friends U Can Keep.So promise meWe'll F.U.C.K forever! Send this to 10 people & 1 back to me. Toknow who your true F.U.C.Ks are9,675,000,000 people in this world && yet i ended up with yourcrazy ass as a friend?Damn,Im lucky!-lol-Send this to everyone youlove.Get 1 back-ppl feel sorry for youGet 2 back-You have a couple true friendsGet 3 back-Your alrightGet 4 back-Your lovedGet 5 back-Your adoredGet 6 or more-Damn your a celebrity!"""xoxo...""""20 sec ago13 sec ago
Hey there...Great Profile....Stopped by and left you a Profile Rate...If you have time and dont mind stop by and do the same Please...Hope you have a Wonderful Day!!!