51 Year Old
From Buffalo, NY·
Invited by: 2loopy4u·
Joined on March 21, 2007
Born on January 17th
well there is alot that people can say about themselves. I on the other hand don't know where to start without shooting myself in the foot. First of all I'm a father of 2 boys(who are my bestest buddies)I know bestest isn't a word but that is what they call me.They do live with me but they go to granparents house alot, so that I can have some me time.I'm a part owner in a plumbing co. in Buffalo that is taking off big. So some long hours here and there are needed. There is no bull with me, don't like getting played to so I wouldn't do it to anyone else. I was married before, but things have a funny way of working themselves out. I'm 100% honest and sincere,won't make a promise that I don't intend to keep....I try to be romantic..sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't and ends up being a comedy show.I like going out to dinner..not saying I can't cook it just is alot more relaxing that way.I like NASCAR that doesn't mean that you have to, but I do go to North Carolina each year for a race and would like to take someone with me. Just want to find that someone that loves to laugh and enjoy life...we are only here for a short time.Now if you have any questions please drop me a line I don't mind answering any you may have........Until then Bye!!!
51 Year Old
From Buffalo, NY·
Invited by: 2loopy4u·
Joined on March 21, 2007
Born on January 17th
I really enjoy listening to country music (yes i said counrty) but I do like all kinds and listen to all kinds (expect RAP). Sorry but to me that is not music!!!!!!!
Hello how are you today? I just thought i would drop Bi your page and rate your profile for you. Feel free to come Bi and check out and rate my profile for me. I hope you are not offended Bi my naughty pics. Add yourself as friend to see the really naughty ones if you like. Have a great day on fubar today. Your SexyPiratesexypirate13.. Please rate my profile!! @ fubar
Ty for sending me a friend request :)I look forward to getting to know you and become good friends :)*hugs*I am so lucky to have new friends and such wonderful people like you sweetie :)Please remember I may not be able to comment you everyday because life is hectic and I get busy sometimes...Please know i don't forget my friends and if I haven't commented you in awhile show me some love ok.. If I stopped by your profile I already became your fan and rated you a 10 or an 11 :)If you are sending me a friend request then I rated you a 10 or an 11 and I became your fan!!!!It would make my day if you could return the favor!!!Love always,MarissaIf you ever need a friend to talk to or a shoulder to cry on ...I am here just"shout"xoxo
I stopped by your profile sweetieI gave you an 11!!!I also became your fan!!!I would love it if you returned the favor :)And if you want to be friends please send me afriend request :)I love new friends!!!!!!!!!!And if you just need a friend to talk to feelfree to"shout"*hugs and kisses*Have a great day!!!!!Love,Marissa