it's pretty easy. just invite new people, rate pics and profiles, and comment on pages to get points. also send messages and shout outs to meet new people. you can become a vic, send a blast, participate in one of lc's offers, buy shirts or sponsor a happy hour to get points more quickly but they will cost. to get them for free try filling out surveys. also you get points for uploading music tracks. the more points you get, the higher your level is. plus the more you promote the more recognition you get. you may see your profile on the front page as a top promoter of the day. you can also bid for a spot on the front page as the highest bidder of the day as well. you can always contact lc support or any lounge with lc support on it for help whenever you need it. you can do more things with higher levels for example a level 10 can open their own lounge. the ct is a fun and exciting way to meet new people and make also get bucks for adding friends and making yourself someone's fan. you can use bucks in the gift shop. and if you find someone you like you can make them your crush. you can only have one crush so make sure that one's a special person. :) hope it helped some. if you still need help join someone's lounge(like mine) and ask questions when that user is online.
Hello there and welcome to CherryTAP...Name is Flip... Someday when you get the site figured out stop and say Hi... Everything you do on this site earns you point to reach higher levels so dont forget to rate pictures and leave comments everywhere.... Hope all is well over there and have a goodnight....:)