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54 Year Old · Female · From St Louis, MO · Joined on March 20, 2007 · Born on April 13th · 2 referrals joined!
54 Year Old · Female · From St Louis, MO · Joined on March 20, 2007 · Born on April 13th · 2 referrals joined!

I like crafty things (making jewelry, sewing, candle-making etc.)

I am a deeply spiritual person as far as going on a day to day basis, but if a holiday comes around and I don't do all the traditional things that are typically associated with that holiday, I am not overly grieved. I am an eclectic Pagan and pretty much follow the kitchen witch/ hedge witch path with Hestia/Vesta as my patroness.

I have been focused for many years just being the best mom I can be (seems to have worked nicely!)I always aspire to be the best person I can be, and well, let's just say, I try to be good at whatever I attempt to do.

my family and friends and my pets (I have cats and dogs at the moment)

Work/life balance;
I work at home and at odd hours so that my family isn't as affected by my job as my job is by my family

I survived 2 teen aged girls! lol, seriously I am proud of the way my girls turned out.

Quirks/traits friends admire;
I have a varied sense of humor...It does get a bit morbid when things are going bad, but it is always there..., my nuturing nature, my "make-lemonade" outlook on life.

Cute faults;
hmmm.. possibly my inability to let things go without trying to figure them out first (for example, What on earth makes a fault cute?)

I love animals of all types. I love storms and sunshine equally (as long as said storm doesn't consist of ice or snow), I love cuddling and I am very into public displays of affection (within reason, must watch what we do for the kiddies' sake)

Hypocrysy, bigotry, racism, homopobia, people who are cruel to those who are weaker than themselves...ok these things I feel VERY strongly about. smaller dislikes would be little stuff like leaving the cap off the toothpaste and putting empty containers back in the cupboards.

What I am Good At;
listening, learning, teaching, pretending that I can sing (when I know darn well otherwise), laughing, being me :)I am also good at massages and I am very intuitive.

Other Information Freely given;
I am 4'3" tall - a dwarf - (No, I don't have a beard and I haven't done any mining lately!) I have several physical conditions called Hypochondroplasia, Vitamin D Resistant Ricketts and another called Scoliosis. I am disabled but I do believe my quality of life has not deteriorated too much :)

My Ideal Mate:
Personality; He must have a sense of humor,an ability to communicate, the ability to express emotions, be compassionate, must love cuddling! I am not a clingy, clingy person, but I do love touching and being touched.

Physical parameters;
This is one of the most difficult questions thus far since I feel everyone is unique and there are special traits for each body type...so shall we say it would be nice if his equipment was in working condition and he knew what to do with it... I am a very small person... he must have the ability NOT to smother me if we were to become intimate :) also, while I do like small portions of hair on my guy (the amount really varies with the guy), I would hope there isn't so much hair he'd be mistaken for a sasquatch.

What I want most out of a relationship;
We have to be able to communicate and enjoy each other as much out of bed as we do in bed.

Other TidBits; He must like kids, I do have 2 teen daughters who need my time and attention, so if you aren't willing to share, don't bother contacting me. If you are addicted to drugs, don't bother contacting me. If you are an alcholic, don't bother contacting me. If you live in another country and you are looking to marry for US citizenship, don't bother contacting me. I will not date outside of 10 years of my age.. meaning 27 - 47 years old...(I may date an older guy than this, but he will have to be really spectacular!) I don't date married or otherwise attached guys. If you have a record as a sex offender, don't contact me. And last but not least... I AM NOT SEEKING A PURELY SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP OR ENCOUNTER! DO NOT CONTACT ME TO CYBER OR "PUT ON A SHOW"!

54 Year Old · Female · From St Louis, MO · Joined on March 20, 2007 · Born on April 13th · 2 referrals joined!
I'll just list some of my favorite authors;
Marion Zimmer Bradly, Tamora Pierce, Anne Rice, Dan Brown, Christine Feehan, Kelley Armstrong, Laurell K. Hamilton, J.K. Rowling, Scott Cunningham, Christopher Penczac, M.R. Sellers, Ellen Dugan, Piers Anthony

Very diverse tastes here, mostly 80's stuff but everything from Will Smith to Pink to Nickleback, Madonnas older stuff, Evanescence, Whitney Houston's old stuff, Journey, Bon Jovi good grief this is not an easy question for me! lol I like new age music too.. especially drumming

Most of the Disney Cartoons and movies *grin* I am still a kid at heart. Anything with Jackie Chan in it, The Phantom Of The Opera, Chicago, The Brothers Grimm, Hitch, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Man In The Iron Mask, Anything with Johnny Depp in it, Anything with Whoopi Goldberg in it, Interview with a Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, The Queen Of The Damned, Gothika, The Long Kiss Goodnight, The Labrinth, The Crow, The Titanic,and The Mists Of Avalon

I find it difficult to say any one person, because there is so much I have learned from so many people. I feel that the true heroes (unsung though they might be) Are those who have lived with the trauma and drama of an abusive childhood and/or relationship and had the courage and strength to overcome that and be strong and loving people in their own right.
Video Games
I have been kinda an RPG addict since the first Final Fantasy came out on the old ninetendo system...

other RPG's> Diablo II: LOD, Radiata Stories, Final Fantasy (alll of them!), Tales of the Abyss,

arcade> Pacman, donkey kong, mario brothers, space invaders

I don't really know how to categorize these, but I think they are fun *grin* >Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank, Resident Evil and that's the short list.

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