52 Year Old
Joined on March 20, 2007
Born on March 18th
Hi my name is Chris. In a nut shell I'm into all kinds of crap, from rc cars to guitars and drums,guns and ammo archery I like to read sci-fi books, music magizines. I'm not as wordy as some of the others I've seen on here but then I'm not as uptight as some I just play things by ear so lets see how it goes.
52 Year Old
Joined on March 20, 2007
Born on March 18th
My intrests are many:
Remote control cars(hobby quality not tyco)
Guitars,playing and collecting
drums, playing that is
tattoos, giving,receiveing and veiwing
guns, mainly old west guns
archery any and all
cars old fords chevy's and dodge
Bettie Paige,what can I say she the woman
star trek, and no I'm not a "trekkie" never been to convention.
Old west history
faverite music:
three days grace
linkin park
Velvet revolver
Kid rock
Big and Rich (yeah some country)
Trace adkins
Hank jr
Green day
Alien Ant farm
Finger Eleven
Motley Crue
Freddie Fender
February 22, 2008 @ 8:52 amYeah, so I got an X-ray today and they found you in my heart.The dr. said if I took you out, I would die cuz I could not live without you....Give this heart to every person u care about including me if u care.Try to collect 12. It's not easy.............$$$............$$$.................$........$......$.......$...............$...........$............$..............$......................$..................$..................$.......................$.............$............................$.......$...................................$................... I hate these damn chain letters, but I thought what the heck it is Friday...play along....LOL
thank you for the request, hun. there comes a point in everyone's lives that we have to quit living our lives for everyone else and begin living them according to our own terms. in my case, that has taken me quite far, and i pride myself on the terms i have laid out for myself. i look forward to speaking with you again.
Today is I love you day!!I LOVE YOU! Send to 7 people you love dearly whether it's friendship love or real love. If you get 5 back your spoiled!__________, .-'Y _^-,______, .-'^H E , -^_^-, .._, .-'^ R S , .-^_______..|_.. H E , .-^____________k__.., .-^________________i________________________ss________________________kis_______________________skiss_______________________kissk______________________isskiss____________________kisskisskis__________________skisskisskisski________________sskisskisskisskissk______________isskisskisskisskisskiss____________kisskisskisskisskisskisskis_________skisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss_______kisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskissk______isskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss______kisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskis_______skisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskis~*~*~YOU'VE JUST BEEN KISSED~*~*~PASS THIS KISS AROUND TO SHOW YOUR FRIENDS YOU CARE ABOUT THEMhugs