There was three passengers in a plane that was about to crash. One was the smartest man in the world, one was the President of the United States, and one was a little girl. However, there was only two parachutes.The first man, the smartest man in the world, stood up and said,"The people who would benefit the world the most should be the ones who get the parachutes. I, being the smartest man, am one of those." With that he grabbed one and jumped out.The president looked at the little girl and said,"I've led a good long life, and you're just starting yours. You take the last parachute."And the little girl replies,"Don't worry, there is one for both of us. The smartest man in the world just took my backpack."
A friend will leave you hanging to be with a crowd.A Juggalo always has your back.A friend runs for help in a fight.A Juggalo jumps in the fight to help.A friend will bail your stale ass out of Jail.A Juggalo will be sitting right next to you saying"That was fucking awesome!" A friend will help you move out of a house.A Juggalo will help you move a dead body out of the house.A friend bums you a cigarette.A Juggalo bums you his last pack.A friend is there when you need them.A Juggalo is there even if you don't need 'em.A friend gets drunk at a party and pukes on your carpet.A Juggalo feels worse than you do about puking on your carpet the next morning.A friend hides you from the cops.A Juggalo is probably the reason the cops are after you in the first place.A friend lets you make an ass out of yourself in public.A Juggalo is up there with you making an ass out of themselves too.A friend likes you cause your always doing stupid shit.A Juggalo loves you even though you do stupid shit.A friend doesn't tell anyone if you kill the guy who tried to kill you.A Juggalo will help you kill that asshole.A friend comes with you to your moms funeral.A Juggalo cries with you at your moms funeral.A friend tells you when his parents doesn't want him to hang out with you any more.A Juggalo laughs in his parents faces for saying that.Friends come and go but JUGGALOS are Forever!