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52 Year Old · Male · From Baltimore, MD · Joined on May 13, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 18th · I have a crush on someone!
52 Year Old · Male · From Baltimore, MD · Joined on May 13, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 18th · I have a crush on someone!

Well I must say I look for a lot in people as they should look in me. I feel that people should not limit their goals to only whats a 100 miles in front of them. Always look outside of the box and exercise multiple possibilities. In our up bringing we are taught the difference between normal and weird. What a lot of us look at as weird seems normal to me. Im not saying that I am a mad or crazed individual, I am just saying that no one is immune to life's tribulations. And with that being said i must say I spend a lot of moments putting myself in others shoes who are seemingly weird to society. I suppose that's my way of discouraging judgment calls on others.

Now I could say a lot of good ways of my nature of a person. But I want to be truthful about my character. Im not saying I am a bad person. But like any other person I have positives and negatives. I am very patient humble and accepting of others. I was not born that way but grew into that way. Treating others different in judgment because of their minds or their living vessel taints your spirit. Sometimes you do not know who you are until you acknowledge that you have hurt others and have the heart to fix it. I was once a person like that who grew up and fixed it. And as for now I walk with my head held high and thank god for giving me opportunities to heal who I have hurt in the pass. Reguardless of my flawws, I see my en-perfections as a proof of being human.

So there you have it. I love my family and friends. I look forward to greeting and meeting new friends. And finally I choose to love instead of like. Why settle for a handshake when you can deliver a hug? A handshake can can be the factor of prevention of countries going to war. But a hug holds life long care respect and love.

52 Year Old · Male · From Baltimore, MD · Joined on May 13, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 18th · I have a crush on someone!

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