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53 Year Old · Female · Invited by: Dee · Joined on March 19, 2007 · Born on March 17th
53 Year Old · Female · Invited by: Dee · Joined on March 19, 2007 · Born on March 17th

Before I get started I wanted to say, that sometimes my mouth can get me in trouble. I say what I and think and I think what I say. I am just a plain and simple woman. I can have just as much fun at home watching t.v. or a movie as I would going out somewhere, but don't get me wrong, I do like to go out dancing every once in a while. I am looking for a real person that I can be myself with . I want to meet people who can see who I am on the inside NOT judge me on the outside . I am a good Christian woman who enjoys going to church 2 - 3 times a week . Heck, my preacher just told me he notices that I am there every time the doors are open, but I don't think I am simply because if that was the case I would live there . ha ha . Anyway......I am very devoted person. I am a good person to know, I am a daughter, sister, aunt, and friend.( etc.) I LOVE being ALL of these persons. Now, how to describe myself without scaring people off if I haven't already. Ok let's start from the beginning . When I was a baby( 7 weeks old ) I was in a car accident. My head was crushed between my mother's chest and the dashboard. When that happened the scull broke . When the brain started to swell , 1/3 of it was completely severed off .( YES YOU READ CORRECTLY CUT OFF , GONE , NOT THERE. ) Now because of that I do have some brain damage( NOT MENTAL DAMAGE BUT A PHYSICAL DAMAGE ) . I do have a plate in the right side of my head . The whole left side of my body does have reduced sensation the best way I know how to describe it is when your hand falls asleep ,right before the tingles hit , that heavy numbing feeling that you have ? That is what the entire left side of my body feels like . My left leg is about 1" shorter then my right leg and the ankle does not flex on its own , so when I walk it just goes straight down (instead of toe or heal first. ) My left arm is normal size from shoulder to elbow, but from elbow to fingertips has not grown properly since I was about 8 or 9 years old. It also does not flex on it's own. If you take a good look at some the pictures you can see what I am talking about. If you have any questions about it all you have to do is ask me .I don't think it changed me though, and if it did then it has made me a better person. Now there are some things that are harder to do with one hand then with two. Like washing dishes ,or doing a hand stand. When I was 13 years old my best friend asked me " What does it feel like to have one hand ? I sat and thought about it for a few minutes . The only thing I could think to tell her was " I don't know , what does it feel like to have two hands " She said she had never thought about it before either, I told her to me having one hand is NORMAL. I want to share my life with a person that has the same morals & values & devotion. I have a friend that once told me the words to live by: To know a man's mind, you must first know his fears. To know a man's heart, you must know his dreams. For a man to love you, He must trust you with both. For his heart holds his fears and his wildest dreams. Thats all I want, I want to know a man's fears and wildest dreams. I want a man who can see who I am on the inside instead of just whats I look like on the out side. You know some people say " You get what you see". I like to add, "Not always, sometimes you get more".

53 Year Old · Female · Invited by: Dee · Joined on March 19, 2007 · Born on March 17th
Passions of Christ( can't watch it all yet but I am working on it. )
Gone with the Wind
The Miror has Two Faces
Shrek 1
An Afair to Remember ( The older one )
Greese 1
Steal Magnolias(I think I spelled that right)
Star Wars( All of them )

All My Children
The Aprintace,
Monster Garage,
7th Heaven,
Most things on all The Discory Chanles,
History Chanels,
Food Chanels
The Amazing Race,
Big Brother,
Iron Chef.

Diary of Anne Frank,
Guinis book of Word Records
Any type of Cook books
My Check book( ha ha )
Last but not least My BIBLE
My Hero's have always been coyboys, and they still are you see HA HA . Ok seriously, My hero's are..... well first and formost:
With out GOD in in life I would not be sain enough to have the heros I do have.
My mother:
She is one of the most important people in The world . I don't know where I would be with out her.
My dad:
My dad is the man I coose to call dad he is he only one who in my life ever deserved that title. He is the man in my life who it did not mater how much I messed up I know he would always be there, and you know something he didn't have to be. He chose me too.
My brother:
He is also one that has been a contant in my life. I know that no matter where I go my brother will ALWAYS be by my side. You know, for some one who was not raised with a father IN HIS LIFE ..... he sure is a GREAT dad to his four children.
My family:
I am a very luck person. I have been blessed with some of the best people that make up my family.
My friends:
To be truthful I never had a lot of friends groing up . I have always gotten picked on when I was a child be cause of my disablity so I did not have that many friends. The friends I did and still do have are pricless. I would do alot for my friends and I know they would do the same for me.

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