On my sparetime, I love to listen to music weather its rock,metal,christian music,hip hop jazz,dance...I love'em all.
Draw & sketch wrestling,fighting or sexy poses. including logos.
Surf on the web,I love to be on the computer..mainly to listen to music. Wish I had my own labtop though so I don't have to share with anyone. hehe
Write made up stories & write songs that tell great stories. Hey its a habit okay? So whatever.
Be very outgoing,I hate staying at home being bored to death. I'd rather travel & experience new adventures.
Cook food,I love to make food. I'm mostly known for frying great porkchops,chicken,hot dogs, if ya'll want me to make ya some me & I'll make them for ya'll.
Read,it gives me knowledge. Glad I got out of the videogaming style.