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38 Year Old · Female · From Platteville, WI · Joined on May 8, 2012 · Born on April 22nd · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
38 Year Old · Female · From Platteville, WI · Joined on May 8, 2012 · Born on April 22nd · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Hey!!! I am Kas! I am a sweet yet sassy sarcastic go with the flow girl until you piss me off then I am a wild child. I love meeting and interacting with new people. I am very much into the fashion/beauty world so if girly girls irk you, then I am definitely not the one to strike up a conversation with. I am passionate about everything I do and most importantly work. I really don't allow myself to have a lot of free time but when I do it usually spend here at the house chillin, out seeing a rock show, or simply sipping on a drink where ever the drinks are cold. I am not on here looking for anything and if your only interested in talking about sex, please do us both a favor and don't waste either of our time. I am confident in myself enough to know I don't have to have pretend sex online with others. Anyways if I haven't scared you off by now, feel free to chat it up with me!

38 Year Old · Female · From Platteville, WI · Joined on May 8, 2012 · Born on April 22nd · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Concerts, Cosmetics, Fashion, traveling, cooking, drinking, shopping, working out, animal print
Nothing is sexier than a sweaty man on stage at a rock show.

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  • Toxicbombshell Whoa I forgot I had this thing!!! Just uploaded lots of new pics whew!
    12 years ago · Comment

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