43 Year Old
From Canby, OR·
Joined on May 5, 2012
Relationship status: Married
Born on July 17th
1 person has a crush on me!
I tend to keep it real...so if u really dont wanna hear the brutal truth about something,dont ask...lol
43 Year Old
From Canby, OR·
Joined on May 5, 2012
Relationship status: Married
Born on July 17th
1 person has a crush on me!
SEX,DRUGS,& ROCK N ROLL!!!! (what else)
I pretty much like a little bit of everything, favorites are, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Wiz Khalifa, oh and Rhianna, now that all her music seems to be about sex anymore...... go Rhianna!!!
Lost Boys, both Hangovers,love the step ups,underworlds,vampire shit.
NO competition there,gotta be "Gemma" off Sons of Anarchy,then of course Jenna Jameson,and the new favorite mason moore...
Video Games
I dont really play to many but if I gotta pick a favorite, definatly would be midnight club...
Latest Status
QueenB "If u live & u die by the game u will lose at least a year of ur life tryin to change!"