51 Year Old
From Augusta, GA·
Joined on May 3, 2012
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on October 28th
My name is FreeK. This is not my first rodeo, much less profile. I treat as I wish to be treated and the DRAMA QUEENS and KINGS can stay the Fuck off my page. This is supposed to be fun so point up, punch the buttons, and see my status for the location of the 'FreeK ShoW on the RadiO. FreeK out! =;->=
To those wondering, I do not ask for shit, nor will I request anything what so ever of anyone. If it were intended for me to have, then that person would have offered and or given it to me. Plain and simple. To the person that missed this part due to factors beyond my control, I appologize. It's back in here now. Bam, there you go.
51 Year Old
From Augusta, GA·
Joined on May 3, 2012
Relationship status: In a relationship
Born on October 28th
Latest Status
FreeK zzScorPs ... They share, they confiscate, they have zero clue. Mere mortals think it's all about them. Too funny. =;->=