37 Year Old
Invited by: Littlehalfwings·
Joined on March 18, 2007
Born on September 8th
I have a crush on someone!
my whole life i was told that i reminded everyone of a cat. why, i have no idea. im hardly flexible, and i couldnt land on my feet even if there was a bomb on my head. im very quiet, often cry over things i really dont need to cry for. im a sucker for sushi. i love sushi. you could order me anything off the menu and id eat it like its ice cream. i dont have many friends. . . . i dont feel like explaining why.---i am a hermit. i sit in my house, all day, every day, and hope for a place that i might just have applied for while i was drunk to call and tell me "hey, you got a job!"...i guess i have high expectations. theres nothing much to me really. i hate dogs.
37 Year Old
Invited by: Littlehalfwings·
Joined on March 18, 2007
Born on September 8th
I have a crush on someone!
i am a lesbian. i have a wonderful girlfriend, that is my number one interest.
i love beer. i am drunk right now.
not really into them, unless its skateboarding, wakeboarding, attempting to snowboard, chess..if you consider air hockey a sport, then....i rein in the air hockey forces.
i draw. ive been drawing since i was an itty bitty kiddie.
i dont draw much any more. some people say im really good. lots do actually. but personally dont think so.
i write. i love to write. i dont think i do it well, but, once again, everyone says i do.
i talk on aim like its my job. i cant get off of it.
i love food.
i love sushi.
i love my friends.
and im a computer geek.
i am a fan of all music. i dont really enjoy rap, but, with the exception of some, for example: atmosphere, and dark lotus.
i love classic rock, such as:chubby checkers, janis joplin, the doors, echo and the bunny men, led zepelin, the grateful dead, and so on.
i like the new grunge rock, like blood for blood
i like nirvana... my favorite band of all time would have to be tool. they are very expiremental with their music and very creative with thier lyrics...maynard james keenan should run for president.
i like classical, such as beethoven.
i like very little r and b....such as cassie.
also, any kinda music that invovles drinking and singing while drunk.
.hov:hover{background-color:yellow}Music Video:IDIOTEQUE (by Radiohead)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
pimpfarmer.comstop by and sign my guest book plz its right under my gift box just click add me next to the pics also add me as a friend and check out my pics and rate em dont forget to rape me too...err...i mean rate me 2 lol oops have fun on cherry tap i know i will...n8-tha-gr8...........