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76 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 27, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 2nd · I have a crush on someone!
76 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 27, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 2nd · I have a crush on someone!

Just so ALL of YOU know my policy:

I RARELY like, rate or friend guys, even if they have women all over their albums.

I'm a good guy who hurts easily. Wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm not sooo into the Fubar games. Seeking good, honest friends and maybe someone more than a friend. It's tough though with the time difference -- unless 2 people care enough make themselves available to each other on time schedules of different time zones. BTW, I live overseas in Israel for 13 1/2 yrs. Former Philadelphian for first 51 years of my life.


There are a few women on Fubar who I hold as special, one in particular. I'm a push-over, total mush when a woman is just plain kind and sweet to me, share's their feelings and life with me and/or is helpful in leveling. I have a special preference for BBW. I'm fiercely loyal. But don't cross me or lead me on -- or look out! I don't go for fleighty or for women comin' on strong, and then vanishing. >>>> And Women, if you need to stop chatting, or to leave Fu or otherwise end a chat with me, common sense and courtesy says, let me know, don't just leave me hangin' there waitin' for a response.<<<< Man, that ticks me off no end!!

By the same token, it downright makes my blood boil when guys lie, or mislead women with false IDs, pictures and attempts to extort them, either by way of conning them that $$ kindness will help him in distress, or by way of stalkers who con their way into compromising pictures of women and who then download these pics and threaten blackmail on them on other social media sites. Look out guy, because I hear about you messin' with any of my friends, I'll be on your case and stick like glue until you're tossed from Fubar.

And it ticks me off when women act like they're coming on to me, and then disappear with long pregnant silences making one wait hours, if ever for a response to text.

Also, the women I rate, like and friend must be willing to accept me without, I REPEAT, WITHOUT a "salute." I have spent countless hours, days of man-hours trying to make a salute that Fubar will approve, WITHOUT success. And Fubar is totally unreasonable about it.

76 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 27, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 2nd · I have a crush on someone!
Oldies -- MoTown, Phillies, Philly rock, dancing, History, Israel, Jewish History, Historical and all kinds of trivia, reading, writing, Baseball, surfing the net, helping others -- not just on Fubar, but helping others feel good about themselves, writing parodies on oldie music, etc.

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  • Igo4BBW Hmmmm! Now, after Fubar axes sh*tface notifications, they are taking other points from us now, like cutting back on Battle of Bands. 2 of last 5 days have seen "No Battle Today..." Systematically taking things from US!
    11 years ago · Comment · View all comments (4) »

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