Joined on March 17, 2007
Born on September 30th
Joined on March 17, 2007
Born on September 30th
sushi; art; the Hungarian language, which I am learning; moonlight; cobblestone; being asleep; theatre; astral projection; lotus flowers; sealing wax; Edward Gorey; all dreams; silver; music...including piano; Salad Fingers; water; nighttime; candles; Oscar Wilde; studying different religions; black & white movies; love; incense; eyes; the UK; mythology; glass; jello; being in enclosed spaces; random things, really; languages of different cultures; literature; roses, both red and black are nice; baklava; philosophy; blank notebooks; The Mouse That Roared (a movie); tolerance; Irn-Bru; openmindedness; and...craziness. I love creating havoc around me. Not always, but sometimes.
some of my favourites at the moment:The 3 HeadsAFIAlice CooperAlice In ChainsAC/DCAerosmithThe Allman Brothers BandApocalypticaAvenged SevenfoldBachBad CompanyB.B. KingThe BeatlesBeckBeethovenBilly IdolBlack FlagBob DylanThe ByrdsCakeThe ClashChopinCrazy PeopleCreedThe CrucifucksThe CureThe DamnedDavid BowieDavid GilmourDavid GrayDead KennedysDeep PurpleDef LeppardDisturbedThe DoorsEric ClaptonFoo FightersThe GermsThe Grateful DeadThe Guess WhoGreen DayGuns N' RosesHändelHaydnThe HivesThe HorrorsJamiroquaiJanis JoplinJefferson AirplaneJETJethro TullJimi HendrixJudas PriestThe KillersThe KinksKISSThe KnackKoRnLed ZeppelinLynyrd SkynyrdMarcy PlaygroundMarilyn MansonThe MelvinsMendelssohnMozartMudvayneNirvanaOpethOzzy OsbournePanic! At The DiscoPink FloydThe PolicePrimusQueenRachmaninoffRammsteinThe RamonesRed Hot Chili PeppersR.E.M.The Rolling StonesSantanaSelenaSex PistolsSiouxsie & The BansheesThe Steve Miller BandStevie Ray VaughanSubhumansTchaikovskyTom PettyTriviumTsarU2Velvet RevolverThe VinesVivaldiWeenThe White StripesThe Who