66 Year Old
From Carthage, MO·
Invited by: 480399·
Joined on March 17, 2007
Born on September 10th
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I have a crush on someone!
66 Year Old
From Carthage, MO·
Invited by: 480399·
Joined on March 17, 2007
Born on September 10th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
66 Year Old
From Carthage, MO·
Invited by: 480399·
Joined on March 17, 2007
Born on September 10th
·3 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
THE DARK KNIGHTThe sound of drums carried on the windsas the Keep prepared for battle. The timehad come now, as Kingdoms would fallonly to rise once more with new tyrantsto rule.Knights, clad in armour, would ride tallinto battle. Blood would spill, all in thename of honour to the various thrones,scattered, combative.The hearts of maidens shall be won, heavingbreasts shall blush from faintest kiss as Deathsweeps in, scythe in hand.Queens with birth heirs to carry on thesewars of blood and name until one shall come,and with his blade, lay them all to shame.He shall ride in strong, black steed, blackarmour, sword at the ready. Battle crypiercing, the drums shall drown when hecalls out!Maidens will sweep crystal tears at his feet,beg for mercy beneath the stare of his coldcoal coloured eyes. Yet, give into his suaveand debonair smile, present themselves inmost perfect fashion as he woos each of them.For Death, he does have an air of passionthat not even the strongest of Queens can avoid.May the Lord guard you wherever you go and guide you in whatever you doand may His loving protection be a blessing to you always.LUIS AYRESSir Knight Dane of The O.C. Empire