33 Year Old
From Cheneyville, LA·
Joined on April 21, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 21st
I have a crush on someone!
33 Year Old
From Cheneyville, LA·
Joined on April 21, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 21st
I have a crush on someone!
Latest Status
Her Penniless W... i work hard. make the money and it was always hated when time was put on our love by somebody in my house (moo) and now time has been put on love by the one who hates it as much as i
lol you will if you want to level. and I'm moving in with my fu fiance so don't hate seriously it's not a big eal but I understand I wish I could own mine too but there's alot of wierdos on here who will pay like 50 mil to own a cute girl so be warned my friend
dude it's not like that and you're gonna need to fu own 5 people to level at 23 or 24.. need to save your fubucks for that. really. it's just an investment I have a girl too bro