Hello how are you today? I just thought i would stop bye and say Hi and rate your profile a 10 . Please feel free to check out my profile and my pics and If you can please rate them for me i love it when that happens thanks. You have to add me as a friend to see my"other" pics unless you are offended Bi them. Well have a great day on cherrytap. Much love your SexyPirate sexypirate13 @
Top new Graphics Codes Click to Get Some from keyon!!!! ne ways how r u doin? sorry for how everything turned out when rob moved out of here and everything no hard feeling on u or rob i love him hes my brother but i felt like he could do a lil more to help support the house.i was spendin money i aint have.i sold my car to pay march rent and i jus couldnt take care of people i couldnt afford.i put donnelle out too.he didnt have his rent money on the first so i put his nasty ass out. he hit holly also. holly pushed him and he flipped over his friend car and layed there cryin then his punk ass called the cops.i find out what im havin on may 15th at like 10:30 am at the bean building in hollywood. i will let everyone know probly like a bullitin here && myspace but i will talk to u soon.give alishia love for me...i miss her chunky self shes a sweetheart....**kisses**
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