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60 Year Old · Male · From Modesto, CA · Joined on April 8, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 6th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
60 Year Old · Male · From Modesto, CA · Joined on April 8, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 6th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Well I am 47 years old and have been single now. For five years. Was married for 17 years have two beautiful kids a son 24 and a daughter 19 who are living their own lives are doing well. I am pretty fucking tired of being single and hope end that soon. It's so damn hard to find good honest people on the internet. I am the kind of man that washes his girls hair while she's taking a bath. I rub her feet after a long hard day.I always make sure she has her orgasm before mine ..I support my girl, always have her back even if she's wrong. I would cut my heart out of my chest to give her life. I would step in front of a bullet to save her.I will love her faithfully and believe that compromise should always be part of the relationship. I love to show affection anywhere and everywhere. I hold her hand whenever we go out. I haven't been able to give to a woman for five years now, but I want to so badly that sometimes it hurts. I am a good soul, looking for his mate.I'm not here to flirt with every woman I see, I am looking for my true love, hopefully that doesn't sound too mushy and all but it's who I am and why I'm here. If you feel like you could love a man like me by all means please drop by and say Hello, I reply to those who are genuine. I also can't and won't lie to you, not even to spare your feelings.liars and cheats are the lowest people and I won't have that in my life anymore. I don't mind if you have children, im not looking to replace anyones father OK, but I can be a great dad still. My kids are all grown up now, but I can make a difference in a young persons life. I enjoy attending school functions and actually I miss those things.I'll be anybodys friend as long as you're a good person. If you're bi or gay I don't care but keep in mind I like girls only when it comes to intimacy, OK.I also don't discriminate, I have friends of many flavors. Black or brown yellow or white you are all my neighbors. JUST KEEP IT REAL. Now, to the women on here who post profile pictures half naked, really? Cmon, do you really think you're gonna get respect when you prostitute yourself like that? It's not necessary. I'm not bagging on you just saying. I'm not going to respond to any negative bullshit, move on.I like people, I love children and animals and it breaks my heart to see people cry, unless it's happy tears. I have been to prison for making a very bad decision. No, violence was not involved and yes, I absolutely deserved what I got. I started a fire that got out of control, people lost their possessions, and I am so very sorry for what I did. I'm on parole, and hope to be released in August. So judge me if you must but I will say to you this =you can read all this and move on, but I will always have to carry this shame and regret with me forever. I am in no way shape or form proud of the mistake I made, and I have matured enough that I've been able to forgive myself, can you? .I won't ever lie to you, not even to spare your feelings, I can't and I won't! Period! I think by now if you have taken the time to read this far that I have nothing to hide. Do you have any questions? I only ask you to keep this in mind, if you can't handle the truth please don't ask.So now that I have put myself out there, and I did it for you, not just for me, do you still want to be my friend? Or are you really that shallow? I absolutely did come here to make friends, and for the one's that have accepted me, you have my heart. I only want real, genuine, good hearted people in my life. So if you're some badass or Hooker you need to go hang with your own kind, you belong in my world. Everybody else =welcome.

60 Year Old · Male · From Modesto, CA · Joined on April 8, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 6th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
I like to do anything that has to do with being outdoors. And I like a lot of indoor stuff too!I fish, golf, walk, ride bikes, go Camping,love to travel whenever I get the chance. I'm not old for any activity, so if you want to get me to try something new I'm game.
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