36 Year Old
Joined on March 15, 2007
Born on April 4th
36 Year Old
Joined on March 15, 2007
Born on April 4th
add me on msn: x.prnstr.x@hotmail.com ♥
Hey, I'm Lacey. I'm currently living in Toronto, which is pretty amazing because I love the party life, and I love the people here. I am a dancer, and I'm trying to get into the modeling business.
Welcome to Cherrytap you're gonna love this site! Please stop by and check out the Danger Zone Loungewe have the hottest DJs on air 24/7 on Cherrytap and the most rockin tunes hope to see ya there : )
Just click on this Danger Zone pic and it will take you right to the lounge
Feel free to add me as a friend and if you have any questions about the site I'd be glad to help out
Welcome to CherryTap!! Feel free to stop by my page and say hi, or add me if you like!Please feel free to check out the CherryTap Tutorial to show you how all the awesome functions and features of Cherrytap work, Here!: http://www.cherrytap.com/demo1.phpIf you've got any questions you can check out the CherryTap FAQ page here: http://www.cherrytap.com/faq.phpIf the Tutorial or FAQ pages don't answer your question or concern, or you need any assistance, please feel free to find me or one of the other bouncers in the CherryTap Support Lounge! We would be more then happy to assist you! You can find the lounge by clicking the link below!I hope you enjoy CherryTap as much as I do! Have fun! =)≈LOTUS‼
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m