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46 Year Old · Male · From Jackson, MS · Joined on March 20, 2012 · Born on September 20th
46 Year Old · Male · From Jackson, MS · Joined on March 20, 2012 · Born on September 20th

Wassupp everybody, im a 33 year old from Jackson, MS
I love HOTRODS, Raceing, Meeting new people and enjoying life to the fullest.
IF you are ever in jackson,MS stop by and check me out at THE SPEED SHOP ON I-55 south
Specialize in custom street rods, Motor swaps NOS,track 1/2 mile or 1/4 whatever your thrill is!!

About me,
I have been through a lot in my years, and have seen a lot more than I have time to talk about. I believe in carma, now I know everybody has got their own definition of carma, mine however is pretty simple"YOU WEAP WHAT YOU SOW". With that being said I try to live my life in a positive and fruitfull way. Im not perfect and realize no one is, but over the years I have made some positive changes in my life and try to live it to the fullest, I show evryone respect untill one shows me otherwise and demand that you show me the same.


46 Year Old · Male · From Jackson, MS · Joined on March 20, 2012 · Born on September 20th
This is something I wrote a few years ago, When I was going through some hard times
The title is 'REAL"

Real is this pain, it's like a disease, Real anxiety attacks, can't even breathe

Real is when you slip and your brother catches you on the flip

Real is the crime we all wanted to commit, but it's only Real when you don't tell the investigators shit

Real is when you get letters in the mail, Real is the ones bringing smokes so it's not so bad in jail

Real is the family thats there through thick and thin, they are there for you time and time again

Real is the ones that come and visit you and put their fist to the glass, tell you hold you head up homie,

These hard times will pass

Real is the blood which flows in my veins, Real is this time, Real is this pain

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  • tenten Yeahh Friday at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    12 years ago · Comment

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