66 Year Old
Joined on March 11, 2007
Born on November 6th
Who I'd like to meet:
If you feel that Jesus Christ is knocking at your heart than maybe you should invite him in. Here’s a prayer to help you in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Father,I'm here before you a sinner . I know you died for my sin's upon that cross,and rose again so that I will be saved; Lord JESUS come into my heart and life and stay there for ever.I turn away from my sin's and claim the blood of JESUS CHRIST , SON OF THE LIVING GOD AS MY Lord and Savior . I place my faith and trust in you Jesus I want to follow and serve you. Let today be the beginning of my new life as your child and a member of your family. Thank you for showing me the way home. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
IT'S THAT SIMPLE But you must BELIEVE IT WITH ALL YOUR HEART NOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO IS FOLLOW IN CHRIST'S Footsteps. 1.READ your bible every day talk JESUS he listens 2.FIND a church to go to one that teaches about JESUSand the bible 3.GIVE TITHES, GIVE MAN WHAT IS DUE MAN, BUT GIVE GOD WHAT IS DUE GOD ,THIS HELPS OUT GODS MINSTRY 4.GET BAPTIZED ,THIS IS THE death and resurrection REBORN < /DIV>
66 Year Old
Joined on March 11, 2007
Born on November 6th
May Your Day Be Filled With Wonder and Peace;May Your Imagination Unlock New Worlds And May the World Be At Your Finger-Tips!; May Your Life Be Filled With Beauty and Splendor; May You Breath Deeply In The Fresh Air of Things Anew;And Always Never Forget to Unveil The Beauty That is Inside Of You!
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com