Books Harry Potter "I'm a dork"
Movies.. Thats a long list. Here's a few. Legend, Labyrinth, Cool World, Stigmata, Clockwork Orange, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Notebook, Gone In 60 Seconds, Wrist cutters a love story, The Last Unicorn, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The Marrying Man, Blow, Sweeny Todd, Across the Universe, Reefer Madness the Musical
TV.. How I met your mother, Eureka, Dollhouse, Legend of the Seeker, Scrubs, Family Guy, Futurama,Glee, Dead Like Me, Merlin, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Primeval, HEX, The Walking Dead
Music Cruxshadows, Sneaker Pimps, Dresden Dolls, AFI, MSI, No Doubt, NIN, Nirvana, Manson, Voltaire, Combichrist, She Wants Revenge, VNV Nation, Beatles, Sublime. I'm also big on Oldies, especially Old British Rock
Favorite food... pizza