37 Year Old
From Oak Grove, KY·
Invited by: 383704·
Joined on March 9, 2007
Born on September 9th
Well for starters my name is Dorotha Smith!! I am married to the GREATEST husband in the whole wide world, Chris!! We have been together for about 3 and a half years now!!! We got married on January 30th of '07!! I am pregnant and living in Kentucky with my husband. I am orignally form Odessa, Tx. and would love to be living there now. But my husband is in the Army and they say where he goes. I work at Arby's for now but who knows how long I will be there!! I have a very wonderful family and great friends!! I wouldn't change anything for the world!!
37 Year Old
From Oak Grove, KY·
Invited by: 383704·
Joined on March 9, 2007
Born on September 9th
Well I like to surf the web, watch tv, sleep, eat. go to the movies, go bowling, and hang out with friends and family!!