freelance flake, does art at home, self employed out of laundry room office, deep in middle of california. music is great, have guitars to tune, watercolors in a stack, or need to apply to paper.
blues fan, tom petty, ACDC, led zep, pink floyd, bluegrass, classical, like avril, jazz, jazz fusion, blues harp, clapton, bb king, buddy miles, zztop, stuff played in bars, indie music, piano stuff, mozart, john mayall, know most tunes from wizard of oz, with lyrics, stuff i play, beatles, green day, stones, adrina thorpe, candye kane, those weird tunes sung by sondra locke in Clint Eastwood movies, dixie chicks, toby too, nickel creek, friends of mine who jam, likely about anything
free video x, harvey, maltese falcon,
tom petty, mozart, leonardo, van gogh, mucha, jack nicholson, myself, blues legends
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