60 Year Old
From Hastings, MN·
Joined on March 9, 2007
Born on August 21st
·86 referrals joined!
I'm a outdoors kinda lady who loves to have fun.I'm married and looking for a friend if you understand what i'm saying?I'm into toys and giving oral pleasures.Not looking for a husband i have one of those so if your looking for Mrs right you have the wrong LADY ,but i'll be your Mrs RIGHT NOW !!!
60 Year Old
From Hastings, MN·
Joined on March 9, 2007
Born on August 21st
·86 referrals joined!
CommentJunkie.Com image graphics!! YOU HAVE BEEN SPANKED !!!!Pass on the paddle ... send this on to your friends see who spanks ya back.1 - 3 = tease4 - 7 = playful8 -12 = toy13-.. = call me
SEXIEST IN FUBAR LAND! ONCE YOU'VE BEEN HIT U HAVE TO HIT THE SEXIEST PEOPLE. IF U GET HIT AGAIN U KNOW THAT U R REALLY SEXY. IF U BREAK THE CHAIN U HAVE UGLINESS FOR 15 YEARS ..........SO HIT 15 SEXY PEOPLE AND LET THEM KNOW THEY R SEXYSEND THIS TO ALL THE PPL THAT U THINK ARE SEXII THINK YOU'RE FUCKIN FINESend this to all ur sexii friends.Including person who sent it to u....?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?.......?SeXy?...?SeXy.?.....?SeXy?......?SeXy?...........?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy?.?SeXy?.......?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.........?SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy??SeXy?.......?SeXy?.?SeXy?.....?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?....?SeXy??SeXy?....?SeXy??SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?..?SeXy?...?SeXy?.?SeXy?.....?SeXy??SeXy?.......?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy??SeXy?......?SeXy??SeXy?.....?SeXy?.?SeXy?...?SeXy?..S?eXy?.?SeXy?...?SeXy?SeXy??.......?SeXy?......?SeXy?......?SeXy?IF YOU GET THIS BACK:1 UR NOT THAT SEXY2-3 UR SO SEXY4-6 OMG TOTAL SEXY BABE7-10 UR SO FUCKING HOT!!!
You have just been blown a kiss! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxif you recieve1 - 3( ur sweet )3 - 6 ( ur cute )6 - 12 ( ur H0T!!!!)so start sending.--------------------------------------You have been considered ONE of the TEN SWEETEST FRIENDS on my friends list.Once you have been tagged, you have to tag TEN SWEET FRIENDS(including the one who sent it to U)and let them know they are SWEET!!""""""