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Stats for Mar 13

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53 Year Old · Female · From Louisiana · Owned by Pantherman00 and is worth 100,000 fuBucks. · Joined on February 17, 2012 · Relationship status: Married · Born on August 4th · I have a crush on someone and 5 different people have a crush on me!

So, I was told I need to add a little on here about me. Well first off I am Happily Married!! And nothing will ever change that!!! I have 4 children (3 boys & 1 girl)..they are my world! I also have 5 beautiful grandbabies..they are the most amazing little kids to me. I enjoy spending time with them and I even enjoy the 3-5 phone calls a day from my 3 year old granddaughter lol. My family is my life.. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for them!! So with that being said..I will be offline from time to time. My 2 youngest children have some medical conditions that requires several doctor appointments and also my youngest son has to have physical therapy a lot. If for some reason it bother's you that I am not online then feel more than welcome to delete me as a friend...like I said before my family will always come first!!

I do not have any NSFW pics and never plan to add any on here..there are some things that is better left private. I do not want to see your NSFW pics either!! Please do not ask to see any of me and also don't ask me to view yours. Think about it I am happily married so why would I ever need to see your dirty pics. If you send me messages asking me to view your pics or to see any of me YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!!! simple as that

I am on here most of the time with my cell phone..so please don't think I am trying to ignore you or not trying to help with anything you might need help with. I am willing to help you just sometimes you have to let me know you need the help. You can send me a pm letting me know (as long as it's not some kind of perverted help!)Also my sb is locked down to family only because of me being on here with my cell...I can't use the SB then.

53 Year Old · Female · From Louisiana · Owned by Pantherman00 and is worth 100,000 fuBucks. · Joined on February 17, 2012 · Relationship status: Married · Born on August 4th · I have a crush on someone and 5 different people have a crush on me!

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