Hosted by CherryTagz.comI aM rEnAe AnD iM 26 nOt 27 wHaT iS wRoNg WiTh ThEsE sItEs tHeY AlLwAyS tRy AnD AgE Me!!!! 26 FoR a LitTle WhIlE LoNgEr AnYwAyS!! Ty tO aLl My FrIeNdS WhO hAvE JoInEd Me FrOm ThE bItChEy SiTe YoU No WhAt!
Hello since it seems you have dropped by my page i guess you would like to know some stuff about me? 'NO' well what the hell are you doing on my about me? .... get of my space now before i call the police .... Im serious blog off!! 'YES' .... well the hear is some crap about me;
- My computer is retarded and i cant wait to get a new one
- I am the eldest of 10 ... YES thats right 10!! My mummy is a nympho!
- I have only recently become single after ending my 9 year relationship
- I own a very cute, often naughty, allways cheeky, extremly smart 3 year old
- I am really really scared of mice ... stand on a chair kinda scared.....its pathetic!!
- My all time favourite movies are scarface and casino
- I got my first job and moved out of home when i was 15
- I am addicted to the smell of pino clean, which means i mop my floors up to 3 times a day!!
- I think im odd .... but im cool so its ok
- I hate fish i think it stinks ..... stinks bad
- My second toe is a little longer then my firs toe .... im a FREAK!!
- I'm shy until i get to know someone ..... then sometimes im still shy
- If you were to buy me a drink i'd ask for a beer
- I cry watching law and order ... actually i cry watching allmost anything ..... Im a sook!
- Im funny HA HA HA .... no really i am
- At the momment im listning to jack johnson and any old rock i can ex AC/DC, Dire Straights, Pink floyd etc etc
- My mum had me when she was 15 ..... i was a mistake!
- I like to wear short shorts in summer and jeans in winter
- I dont believe in god .... ive created 'renae' religion
- I love watching all sport except synchronised swimming and equestrian ..... i think there stupid!
- Im creative
- I have really long legs
- When it comes to dressing my son im a name brand freak, for example he owns 5 pairs of nikes ... bit silly really!
- Im allways late i never get anywhere on time
- I write a shopping list every week but forget to take it shopping with me
- I have a bad memory
- Im 26 not 27!!!
Ok so there it is a little glimpse into my world with some crap about me! Thanx for stopping by my page feel free to drop me a line, add me as a friend, or whatever hope you have a great day!