The ZIP in zip code stands for"Zone Improvement Plan." ----- Yucatan, as in the peninsula, is from Maya"u" +"u" +"uthaan" meaning"listen how they speak," and is what the Maya said when they first heard the Spaniards. ----- Punctuation was not invented until the 1500's. ***** HOPE EVERYONE HAS A MAGNIFICENT MONDAY AND REMEMBER, JOKES FOR THE DAY ARE ON MY PAGE, STOP BY FOR A GRIN, OR A GIGGLE, AND IF YOU VISIT MY PAGE, I WILL VISIT YOURS.
I don't do serious but I feel that now, just before Christmas, I should. If you are thinking of getting a dog, cat, or any animal as a pet for Christmas, remember that you are adopting a new member of your family that should not be treated as a possession that you keep on a chain, or in a pen outside only paying attention to it once in a while or discard because it has become an inconvenience. It's a lifelong commitment that should be taken care of just as any other member of your family. It is for this reason that I post this poem and I hope it makes everyone think better of their pets. I am not an animal activist, just an animal lover. Please read"DO I GO HOME TODAY" and have a fantastic day.
*A woman went to the Post Office to buy stamps for her Christmas cards."What denomination?" asked the clerk."Oh, good heavens! Have we come to this?" said the woman."Well, give me 50 Catholic and 50 Baptist ones." ** And as always, my daily humor is on my page, and additional humor in interests & blogs. * * * * Hope everyone has a WILD WONDERFULLY WACKED OUT WEDNESDAY! - - - - (WARNING: Tomorrows post will be from my serious alter ego)
Back To Riddles And Jokes: I am a bus driver for high school kids. It is Christmas time and the kids all gave me cards and presents. Now I'm thinking,"Man, I must be a good driver and the kids even like me." I opened the cards when I got home. On the inside of one card it said:"Thanks for not killing us yet. We really appreciate it." **************** And as always, my daily humor is on my page. I have also added something new, blogs, which will mostly be humor so you might want to check those out occasionally. HOPE EVERYONE HAS A SAFE, HAPPY AND TERRIFIC TUESDAY!
We've all heard or used statements like: His elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor, or 1 can short of a 6 pack. I thought I would find some a little more in the Christmas spirit. Here they are. ---- A couple of slates short of a full roof. ---- A few pies short of a holiday. ---- A few too many lights out in his Christmas tree. ---- All wax and no wick. ---- Batteries not included. ---- Bright as Alaska in December. ---- Chimney's clogged. ---- Got his brains as a stocking filler. ---- Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. ---- Several nuts over fruitcake minimum. ---- A few presents short of a full sleigh. ********************************* And as always, my daily humor is on my page. I have also added something new, blogs, which will mostly be humor so you might want to check those out occasionally. HOPE EVERYONE HAS A SAFE AND HAPPY MANIACAL MONDAY!